
For the Broth

For the Meatballs


Step 1:

Wash and peel the vegetables for the stock and cut them into chunks. Put them in a large pot with the meat and water and bring to a boil.

Step 2:

Once the water starts boiling, you’ll notice a white foam appear on the surface. Scrape this foam off; it’s excess from the meat and bones and you don’t want it in your broth. Next, add salt and let the stock cook for about 2.5 hours.

Step 3:

While the stock is simmering away, it’s time to prepare the meat mixture. In a large bowl, mix the ground meat, minced garlic, egg, some breadcrumbs, salt and pepper. Knead the mixture together until all the ingredients are mixed in well.

Step 4:

At this point, you need to start stuffing the galets with the meatball mixture. This sopa de galets recipe isn’t difficult, just a bit time consuming! Take a bit of meat and fill each shell, as you can see in the photo above. You will probably need to use a small spoon or a piping bag to help you with this part.

Step 5:

Once the stock has finished, strain out the vegetables, meat and bones and set them aside. Next, drop in the galets. Let them cook for 18-20 minutes over medium heat so that the meat cooks through but the pasta doesn’t overcook or break.

Step 6:

Once the galets are thoroughly cooked through, serve and enjoy!