What christians believe:

Christians believe that God came down in human form, as Jesus, to rescue the world. God sent his Son down as a baby to die on a cross taking the punishment of our sin upon himself so that we (the people of the world) can be right with God. At Christmas, Christians celebrate the birth of this Saviour who would grow up to take our punishment which he, as the only totally sinless being, didn’t deserve but we did.

What catholics believe:

Christmas is an incredibly special time for the Catholic Church. This period signifies the birth of the saviour, Jesus Christ. Every year, the festive season takes on a new level of joyful yet frantic activity. For many families, lots of preparation goes into making a perfect celebration but we should also remember to appreciate the real meaning of Christmas.

What buddhists believe:

However, surprisingly, many Buddhists still celebrate Christmas. This is because Buddhists believe Christ's teachings complement those of Buddha, but that Jesus is a "Bodhisattva," which forgoes their benefit to help others and has compassion, kindness, and love for all beings.